Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Grading Exams (Fourth Year)

Today's the second day of First Grading examinations. First day for us fourth years where these subjects: Math, Filipino, English. Today we had Physics and Economics.

I slept late before the first day of classes just to review for English since I was done reviewing Math and Filipino. During the first day, my mind went blank during math since I slept really late so I'm not sure if I'm going to pass. I'm so desperate to have passing marks. Oh Lord, please help me. Today was Physics I was pretty prepared this time but it seemed like the test was too hard for me and my schoolmates. We talked about it for a long time. It didn't even give us a little bit of hope that we would pass Physics this First Grading. We're all worried about what our parents will say about our grades. Being a Fourth Year High School student is never easy. Filipino was "okay" compared to Physics and Math. English good for me since I reviewed but others said that it was the hardest of all. I didn't actually agree. Economics on the other hand was the easiest of them all! (that is, compared to the other subjects)

Tomorrow will be the last day. Subjects are T.H.E. and Religion. I bet THE would be hard tomorrow since its about flowcharting. Everyone is hard up in this one. I hope we can all pass. Religion on the other hand.. honestly, I don't know what to study for Religion since I don't think I've learned much there. Well, wish us luck and good luck to all students as well!

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