Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gone But Not Forgotten

"You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all he's left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone,
or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back,
Or you can do what he'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love, and go on."

- David Harkins

May Sean Cusi Rest in Peace in God's Heavenly Kingdom.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

OCTOBER 11, 2011: My Day to Wholly Appreciate Life

Thank you God for giving me another year of life
Thank you for all the people who remembered me today
By sending cards, gifts, letters, and good wishes.

Thank you for all these past experiences;
for times of success which will always be happy memories,
For times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for You,
For times of joy when the sun was shining,
For times of sadness which drove me to you

Forgive me for the
Hours I wasted,
The chances I failed to take,
For the opportunities I missed.
Help me in the days ahead to make the best decisions yet,
And through it to bring good credit to myself,
Happiness and pride to my loved ones,
And joy to you, Amen

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Making The Right Decisions

          Though I can't say that yesterday was actually full of happy moments, it was still fun.
          To my dear best friend for life, you know who you are. I'm proud that you were able to face your boyfriend without crying after knowing that he could have had a second woman. I admire you for being strong and brave to face the truth in life. You are indeed someone special. If I were in your place and knew that he could be cheating on me, maybe I'd break down into pieces and won't be able to get up for days. But still you have shown me that even if you are deeply hurt and sad after talking to him, you still opened up to me and told me your problems.
          Whether you want to cool it off or even break it off with him, I'm sorry, I cant help you there even if you ask for moral support since this is your life and I don't want to give you advises that in the inside you think is wrong but you will still listen to me. Maybe if I tell you to do this and do that, my decisions could destroy your whole being and maybe you could even regret that you listened to me. I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart.
          Knowing that you still haven't talked to him much about you wanting to cut it off with him, I hope that the decision that you will make won't make you feel regret and just keep moving forward, whether you will still be with him or not. I know this sounds crazy as a best friend but me and your other friends, we're all open ears you know? We'll listen to all your problems and don't be afraid since I will accept everything you say and I won't laugh at your mistakes.
          Through the good and through the bad, remember, your friends are here. Live a happy life, possibly full of mistakes, but full of lessons to share to everyone! We love you Mic!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Grading Exams (Fourth Year)

Today's the second day of First Grading examinations. First day for us fourth years where these subjects: Math, Filipino, English. Today we had Physics and Economics.

I slept late before the first day of classes just to review for English since I was done reviewing Math and Filipino. During the first day, my mind went blank during math since I slept really late so I'm not sure if I'm going to pass. I'm so desperate to have passing marks. Oh Lord, please help me. Today was Physics I was pretty prepared this time but it seemed like the test was too hard for me and my schoolmates. We talked about it for a long time. It didn't even give us a little bit of hope that we would pass Physics this First Grading. We're all worried about what our parents will say about our grades. Being a Fourth Year High School student is never easy. Filipino was "okay" compared to Physics and Math. English good for me since I reviewed but others said that it was the hardest of all. I didn't actually agree. Economics on the other hand was the easiest of them all! (that is, compared to the other subjects)

Tomorrow will be the last day. Subjects are T.H.E. and Religion. I bet THE would be hard tomorrow since its about flowcharting. Everyone is hard up in this one. I hope we can all pass. Religion on the other hand.. honestly, I don't know what to study for Religion since I don't think I've learned much there. Well, wish us luck and good luck to all students as well!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2 Review

          Most of us fans know the very famous movie: Harry Potter, which was divided into seven parts. But in the movie, there's a seven part 2 due to the time frame of the movie. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the final of the Harry Potter novels written by British author, J.K. Rowling

For those of you who may not know how she looks like, here's one of the greatest authors of all time:

J.K. Rowling

       Since this was the conclusion of Harry Potter I most definitely wanted to watch it in the cinemas and so I did. I urged to watch it in 3D but since my friends said that they couldn't afford it at the moment I decided that I'll just watch as most of the people could afford.

          As the movie began I was extremely excited, being a fan. I actually didn't expect the movie to have very funny scenes. You have to watch those parts! Really unexpected. My friends keep saying from the start till the middle of the movie that this is going to be the end and that they made me feel so sad inside. As I continued watching the movie, indeed it was a great show with great effects but sometimes I think that the other Harry Potter parts were better compared to this last one. The movie, which was about to end made me realize that this really is the end! I don't want to watch it yet! But I also want to. Haha!
          A week after watching the movie, me and my friends, since our dismissal was early, we went trekking in Camp John Hay, Baguio City, Philippines. While I saw the trees and the forests I remembered Harry Potter. I felt a little bit of nostalgia. As I wanted to really be like Harry Potter, to fly into the sky and to wave my wand and do the impossible, this was the result of my queerness and randomness:

I'm obsessed much. I love Harry Potter, and I'm proud of it! =)

          For those who weren't able to watch it, go buy the DVD! If you're a fan, you won't regret it even if the price is high! "It had a very nice ending to it as well but I still wanted it to continue further!" is the feeling you'll get after watching it. Why not enjoy while you still can? =)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

True Friends

Recently, i have noticed a sudden change in my surroundings. Particularly, some of the friends i hang out with. I've been close with them for the past few years and honestly I loved them from the bottom of my heart. But sometimes people can change, don't you agree? I have experienced much in these kinds of situations. Friends who just want to be with you for a specific reason; friends who just pretend to like you; friends who talk behind your back; friends who don't trust you; and friends who just leave you suddenly, all alone.

Actually I experienced the latter part of the examples. Some friends leave me. I feel so disappointed at some point in my life. Am I forgotten? Am I that hateful? Did I do anything wrong to you? Why did you leave me? I honestly don't know why. Sometimes, I just yearn for my friends who have already changed to come running back to me instead of me always the one who is searching for them. I feel alone nowadays.

People say i have a lot... actually, hundreds of friends! I'm happy to hear them say that but what I really think is: "but do I have the true friends?". It somehow haunts me that I'm blogging something like this without telling them. Sometimes I feel sinful talking about this in public behind my friends. I admit, I have also changed. But why did I? Was it because of the bad influences shown to me, or did I really want to change so that I can keep with the changes in everyones lives? I honestly don't know the reason. And I also don't wanna know. I might as well never realize it. Im scared of knowing the truth. To know if I'm really bad or to know who changed me.

A piece of advice to everyone who has doubts in their relationship with friends. In whatever you do, you must always do what you think is best. Never to be swayed by your surroundings, even if they are your friends. You should also love your friends to the fullest like there wont be tomorrow. But I don't advice you to actually put complete trust in anyone except your parents. You may suffer. But this is only what I think. If you think I'm wrong, go ahead and choose for yourself because it is your life, your decisions, your future. I hope you go through this journey with a smile on your face and with no regrets.

At Present

          It's been a long time since I've blogged. About 6 months already. Amazing aren't I? Anyway, it's currently dinner time and my relatives from abroad has come to visit us here in the Philippines! Though I don't really remembering them when I was little, I'm still glad that they're here. I really hope that they do enjoy their stay here. My other aunties and uncles, who are supposed to be the entertainers in this dinner are currently attending another event. What should I do? I can't entertain other people who I haven't quite met yet.
          Ugh.. I'll still do my best though! =)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Today is Friday! A fun one!

         I just wanna say, I LOVE FRIDAYS! Friday is like.. the last day of school! The day you can sleep late without thinking of any assignments or projects! Friday is happiness! =)

         But even if Friday is the best day of the week, today's Friday is special! It's my best friends day with Clarence Cariaga! It's been 1 year and 2 months! Though we're not that close anymore, though we don't see each other or talk to each other as often as before, she still remains in my heart as one of the weirdest and if i want to call it, "awesomest" friend! Haha! I just love her!

         Oh yeah! And today was the last day of the Third Quarter Examinations! I was so happy when I stepped out of the heated classroom. I felt like I was free once again! After the Examinations, we went to Remjie Moises' house and sang songs through the karaoke thingy they had. Their house was also a kinda convenience store. It's cool. =) Then some of our other friends like Jp, Jake, Peter, Kirk and the like, brought pizzas. Oh they tasted yummy! But honestly, it was hard to get a slice of pizza due to the guys getting all the slices first. They were like hungry mammals. You should've seen their faces. Haha!

          Fridays are truly awesome you know? But this Friday was a special one, full of happy moments with my dear classmates and friends. You too, enjoy your Fridays! =)

Monday, January 17, 2011


        Tomorrow is the day! The day that I'd have to take the 3rd Quarter Examinations in PEHM (P.E, Health, and Music) Gosh.. Though I'm studying, I still had the time to blog. It's been for like 3 months since I last blogged here.

        It's hard reviewing every now and then due to Facebook! But anyways, I'll do my best tomorrow! I've been studying for 3 days. That's long enough for the minor subjects I guess. (not like the others who are too lazy to review) They themselves accept that they're lazy. I mean they could be hardworking too you know. They're just not trying hard enough to change their old habits.

        Well, God bless to me and my fellow schoolmates tomorrow! =)